Back from Vakay, OK?
Hello, chillen, I'm back from the Bay again, after an almost TOO long stay. (No offense to the company, but heaven is one's own bed. Fah. Reals.)
As usual, twas great to see my "meng", my "brah", and the animation people again. Additionally, I was lucky enough to hang with my old old OLD college bud (muhah!), H. It's been over six years! Seems like he's doing well, still making me envious with his world travels (back from Italy and the Czech republic, that bastard!) Was great to catch up again.
Equally great to see? My favorite familia, LOS SIMPSON. Pre-movie I made my pilgrimage to one of only 12 Kwik-E-Mart's in these here United States. The place was packed, as it was opening day for the film (which, contrary to my fears, was enjoyable!). At the K-E-M, there was a line out door, line to register, including me with my box of d'oh-nuts and squishie in hand.

As I've mentioned to others, that day I was cruising at nerd factor 5.
Also had a chance to hit good ol' Castle Rock again, for short afternoon hike. No bouldering this time around, but still wonderful vistas of the fog-shrouded Monterey bay as seen from the backside of the mtn., and a tasty cool breeze pushing me along the trail-- much to the chagrin of my hiking bud, who wanted leisurely and got SPEED WALKING instead. My apologies. Piccies forthcoming.
Ah, but back to life, back to reality. Yes, people, I'm back on my projects. Sorry about lagging on the webwork. Also, I must return to the daunting task of getting back to school in earnest, sticking my tentative toes onto a new path. God flipping help me.
ITMT, sketching! I put in on the web, now the pressure of all those millions who will see this (insert Crabapplian "HAH!" here) will compel me to actually get back to creatin' again. Or that's the hope. Certainly seeing all the anim. school folks have energized me once again. Wish I had some local crew to share the fun w/.
And agian, in that mode of hopefulness, "SACRAMENTO ANIMATION 3D 2D SACRAMENTO ANIMATION FANS ARTISTS 3D 2D FANS ARTISTS SACRAMENTO ANIMATION 3D 2D FANS ARTISTS SACRAMENTO ANIMATION 3D 2D FANS ARTISTS" Think that'll get this blog some traffic and some info on the above request?
Me neither.
As usual, twas great to see my "meng", my "brah", and the animation people again. Additionally, I was lucky enough to hang with my old old OLD college bud (muhah!), H. It's been over six years! Seems like he's doing well, still making me envious with his world travels (back from Italy and the Czech republic, that bastard!) Was great to catch up again.
Equally great to see? My favorite familia, LOS SIMPSON. Pre-movie I made my pilgrimage to one of only 12 Kwik-E-Mart's in these here United States. The place was packed, as it was opening day for the film (which, contrary to my fears, was enjoyable!). At the K-E-M, there was a line out door, line to register, including me with my box of d'oh-nuts and squishie in hand.

As I've mentioned to others, that day I was cruising at nerd factor 5.
Also had a chance to hit good ol' Castle Rock again, for short afternoon hike. No bouldering this time around, but still wonderful vistas of the fog-shrouded Monterey bay as seen from the backside of the mtn., and a tasty cool breeze pushing me along the trail-- much to the chagrin of my hiking bud, who wanted leisurely and got SPEED WALKING instead. My apologies. Piccies forthcoming.
Ah, but back to life, back to reality. Yes, people, I'm back on my projects. Sorry about lagging on the webwork. Also, I must return to the daunting task of getting back to school in earnest, sticking my tentative toes onto a new path. God flipping help me.
ITMT, sketching! I put in on the web, now the pressure of all those millions who will see this (insert Crabapplian "HAH!" here) will compel me to actually get back to creatin' again. Or that's the hope. Certainly seeing all the anim. school folks have energized me once again. Wish I had some local crew to share the fun w/.
And agian, in that mode of hopefulness, "SACRAMENTO ANIMATION 3D 2D SACRAMENTO ANIMATION FANS ARTISTS 3D 2D FANS ARTISTS SACRAMENTO ANIMATION 3D 2D FANS ARTISTS SACRAMENTO ANIMATION 3D 2D FANS ARTISTS" Think that'll get this blog some traffic and some info on the above request?
Me neither.