crash happy

Friday, May 27, 2005

Cheap thrills. Roll around the aisles, laugh at the surpised looks from customers. Duck and cover from the sales guy.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hmm. Where did this scene go?

I'm glad it's gone (his hands are at his sides in the movie.) I laughed out loud when I saw it on the teaser eons ago. Not the most impressive "reveal". Looks like a cheerleader pose...

Monday, May 09, 2005

who let go first?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

poster child for,uh,posters

I'd delivered this rant before.
Compare and contrast: two meh posters, then Drew's.

I had a R.O.T.J. poster in my room as a kid, and that set the bar for movie posters*. W/ few exceptions, it's been downhill from there.

Drew Struzan, et. al, and the death of movie poster art

*And Raiders.

Monday, May 02, 2005


So I went to get some stuff out of my bf's laberinthyne apt. storage unit and we found this hanging in the groundskeeper's dank-and-dusty lost-and-found storage room:

WTF?!?!? Who does that? What kinda freak hangs a 14" suicidal clown doll in the doorway? Creepy! A former co-worker of mine had Coulrophobia, which I never understood. Until now.