I hate big bags and I cannot lie...

The toe-tag sez DOA. I was sloppy in photoshop, sorry
Well, after some computer difficulty and the starting back @ work (meaning back to my 6am wakey-wakey. Lord.) I am back. What'd ya miss? Eh. Some sun, some fun, and a sudden month-long embracing of all things girly, which for me just means "I bought a new bag and some clothes".
Yah, that's as girly as I get. No worries, kids. Still find pink revolting. Same ol' me.
However, did need a larger bag. My tiny bare min. bag (wallet, lipstick, phone, PERIOD) wasn't cutting it now that I'm proud mama of a Nintendo DS and I likes to take mi querida blanquita EVERYWHERE. So off to buy my first new bag in a few years.
And what the HELL happened in those intervening seasons? What, exactly, is this? As in "I can carry a small hobo in this bag?". Crimmeny.
I managed to find someone decent at Ross. GOD, Ross. That place is magical if you are a "digger". Flip though the racks like a dj thru the crates and you'll find gold. She's cute, she's burgundy, she's cheap, and doesn't look like a cow killed by a bedazzler gun. Ay, enough with the leather&studs, designers.