I got a haircut. Finally.
My vietnamese (cuz they are good!) hairstylist tilts my head up, gives a look then asks:
"You missing something?"
The hell? My wallet? My brain?
Me:"You not full asian are you?"
She:"OH, yes, I'm filipina. Ohhhh! 'Am I mixed or something?'" [Laughter from both]
So endeth that awkward moment, only to be quickly followed by another.
Me:"Can you cut another inch off?"
She:(Sigh)"Okay, I cut your hair
second time."
Woah, shoot, now, I don't want to piss off no vietnamese lady with shears to my head. I could tell I hit a nerve. With a bit of coaxing, find out last night right at closing time(9pm) some woman came in asking for "a simple trim" then halfway through changed her mind and wanted something "fantasy!" and essentially got a whole different haircut.
Me:"What kind of style?"
She:(eye roll)"Some stupid simple style."*
Insult to injury! We had a good laugh over that. I jokingly threatened to ask her to cut my hair for a third time. She threatened to give me The Rachel she'd alluded to earlier.
That exchange was worth a nice tip. Cut? Good! Convo! Good!
You don't have to be my therapist, nor gossip with your coworker while cutting my hair. Little chat, little cut, dunzo.
Hell, she could be stone silent as long as I got this haircut. Third week of 100+ degree weather. Yay.
* "You missing something!" and "Some stupid style!" will be my go-to insults of the summer.Labels: 'do