(aka the day after thanksgiving)
From a the brine/flavor injector recipe I just sent My Old Friend:
"Shoot that bad boy like a gangsta -- twice in chest, once in each leg."
Let us now pray for St. Tom (Turkey). He died for our sinfully delicious dinner.
Actually I did say a little prayer before I put him in the oven. After two years of accidental turkey jerky, we finally got a decent bird. Amen!
The recipe, for those who care:
14 1b turkey
Flavor injection
1/2 c olive oil
1/2 T pepper
1/2 t cayenne
2 T dried oregano
1 T garlic powder
1 T sage
Optional:Grind dry ingredients in spice mill before
adding to oil. Combine, stir until salt dissolves. Let
sit while turkey brines (at least 4 hours).
2 G lukewarm water
2 c kosher salt (maybe less?)
1/2 c sugar
1 T garlic powder
Mix in pot until salt dissolves. Should taste like
Pacific Ocean waves. Yah, not a common measure but if
you know, you know. Not aggressively salty.
Rinse bird, place in plastic garbage bag (I know,
getting all ghetto up in here), pour brine, twist bag
closed, then put THAT bag in another bag, fill with
ice, twist closed. Place in cooler for four hours.
After remove bird, pat dry, shove a halved lemon and
some celery tops in his cavity, load up injector w/
the top layer of flavor-infused oil which by now has
seperated from spices (avoid getting spices in
injector, as they'll clog the needle.) Shoot that bad
boy like a gangsta -- twice in chest, once in each
leg. The oil will ooze out in a pleasingly disgusting
way. Use that ooze oil to baste the turkey. Baste with
more flavored oil if desired. Put on roasting rack/pan,
and pour broth or just water in said pan to catch
the drippings which will eventually become your gravy
~4 hours @ 325 till breast is 180
10 minutes on broil to crisp skin
Remove from oven and for the LOVE OF GOD, DAD! let it
sit for another hour before serving.
* * *
So that's the basics. You really could do one or the
other-- brine or inject 4 hours ahead-- but I was
trying to cover my ass so I did both. And you could
feasibly go to town on the injection with a more
daring spice mix, but I'd leave the brine pretty