There's this squirrel on the tree outside my window right now, w/ this crazy ass look in his big black eyes, and his tail spinning like a propeller. He's just jumping from limb to limb, twirling his tail off. Is this one of those rumored hyper-agressive squirrels that mysteriously emerged from the local Ivy League college*? Why does he swing that tail like deadly ninja-nunchucks? "Are you looking at me??!??". Fly away already.
*Supposedly a breeding experiment that went VERY VERY WRONG (cue scary music here)
On another fuzzy note, winter is the lovely time when we gals can let the leg hair grow like weeds under a snowcovered field, unbeknownst to anyone. Like natural ugg boots. And yet for some unfathomable reason I felt like shaving my legs. Apparently I must be out of pratice, cuz I couldn't have nicked myself worse if I was using a vegetable peeler. It was like a crime scene outta CSI. And there's not one regular ol' bandaid in this entire apartment. Just toilet paper, unless I wanted to wrap a maxi pad around my ankle (the fact that it's still bleeding makes that latter option more and more plausible.)
Sigh. Next time, just stay fuzzy.