Big deal.
Putting aside the upcoming vote and the on-going war turmoil, the big news last week (okay, to a nerd like me) was the success of SpaceshipOne winning The X Prize as the first "successful non-goverment spaceship". Did that get coverage? Not really. But we did get hourly updates on farting mt. st. helen's.
I know that SpaceshipOne is like seeing a new Hummer in your neighbor's driveway. "Nice for him. What does that mean for me?" But seeing the on-ship footage, the shots of earth from above, even the weightless m&m's in the cabin* rendered me giddy like a school girl.
*not potato chips, sadly. hehe, ah simpsons.
Follow up: Speaking of small art world (well, I did last blog entry),
one degree of seperation leads me to Ryan Sias's
new webcomic. Check it!