Better then Michelin Stars...
I realize there's stuff I look for in certain asian resturants that would scare health inspectors. Sticky floors? Check. Typo on the menu? Check and OOOH typo on the first line, no less! Rotating fan set on "gale force", suitable for aerodynamic vehicle testing? Check. Waitress with an attitude rivaling the Soup Nazi? Oh yes. Prepare to get your grub on. Cuz they certainly are not putting money into the ambiance. All the effort goes straight into the food. Where it should be.
The only exception is japanese. I like my sushi place old school: CLEAN, no pink neon, no blaring-jpop, no sake bombing college kids. Sticky floors and raw fish? Are you insane?
Speaking of
japanese food*...
When I feel the need to get my asian grub on but don't want to do a resturant, there's chinese market that just opened up nearby. Complete with fresh fish in tanks. I saw a caucasian father take his son there like is was a zoo. Made me smile as he eagerly asked what each fish was, and his father replied with equal vigor. Reminded me of shopping with my mom in similar stores, back in the day.
Just keep him away from the tilpia tank. Lot of "sideways swimmers". Weird ones that have spent too much time in captivity and mutated. The ones they can't sell fresh, so they fry them up and sell them for a dollar, and as my friend pays for the fish I whisper "you know yer gonna eat 'old-no-eyes' that we saw last week, right?" Yum.
35 degrees. Two aussies in Japan. She's a great photog, too. Check it out.
Edited: Check out
pho-king. Get past the kinda goofy url and find a pho place near you. My personal fav: Pho #1 - 5025 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara. Will check out the suggestions in Sacramento soon...