Okay, I was going to let the doodle stand alone but I can't. People, jury duty on a f#cking felony case is a stone cold beaaaatch. Your more rational self is at bloody war with your emotional self and, at least for me, neither turned out to be as strong as I had previously believed. You go through a gauntlet. Even so far as harboring homicidal thoughts towards that egomaniacal windbag who, although quite in line with your position, is grating in his presentation to the fellow jurors. I wonder how often the tensions in criminal case deliberations LEAD to criminality.
And at some point, when all my rational reviewing of the facts were out weighed by my GUT belief in witnesses... why does that feel like I'm devolving? "Uh, yah, ultimately I've voting this way cuz I still in believe in my heart that the witness is telling the truth."
How lame an argument is that? That wouldn't even hold up in a high school debate class. And YES, I realize what I've been through is NOTHING compared to struggles of the defendant and the accuser. Wah wah.
I can't even think about it anymore.... where's my drink?